The Collapse DA Metal Print

by Kevin Anderson

Product Details
The Collapse DA metal print by Kevin Anderson. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
A once proud wooden barn in Kansas more than a century old is now surrounded by tall grass, abandoned and is held up only by the hay still within. A... more
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Artist's Description
A once proud wooden barn in Kansas more than a century old is now surrounded by tall grass, abandoned and is held up only by the hay still within. A digital photo-painting filter of my own settings has been applied to enhance the texture and leave you with a sense of majesty this barn once held.
About Kevin Anderson

As the Back Roads Photographer, the back roads that I, shoot can be found most anywhere, but mostly in Kansas and Missouri. I enjoy a eclectic look, sometimes on the the beaten track of so many artists before me or being on a tangent, exploring new creative things. I like to explore back roads of the country, city and of my mind. Photography is most of my images with some digital art from photograph that I feel suites the image.
Jenny Revitz Soper
SWEET! tweet!
Max Rastello
I love this work!!
Thomas Todd
Great work Kevin, nicely done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tom
Betsy Zimmerli
I think you are using Simplify, which I also use. I have fun with it, and I like what it does for this architectural scene. f/l
Betsy Zimmerli
Great subject. Looks like Simplify, which I am enjoying, too. f/l
Daniel Arrhakis
Incredible colors and light ! Great capture and processing of this abandoned place Kevin ! : )
Lynda Lehmann
Fabulous subject, perspective and treatment!
John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Kevin Anderson replied:
Thank you!
Debra and Dave Vanderlaan
Your painterly technique made an aging structure into a lovely scene Kevin! Congrats on your Feature in Barns Big and Small. We also added a Like to your work! Celebrate life, Debra and Dave
Kevin Anderson replied:
Thank you!